Top Web Scraping Companies

Web scraping also known as Web Data extraction / Web Harvesting / Screen Scrapping is a technology which is loved by startups, small and big companies. In simple words it is actually an automation technique to extract the unorganized web data into manageable format, where the data is extracted by traversing each URL by the robot and then using REGEX, CSS, XPATH or some other technique to extract the desired information in choice of output format.

Top Web Scraping Companies In Us

Apr 06, 2020 What is web scraping? In a simple word, Web scraping is the act of exporting the unstructured data from different websites and storing it in the structured one in the spreadsheet or database. These web scraping can be done in either manual way or automatic way. Datamam is the best web scraping services provider company that processes your business data to make all production means easier. We will automate your data needs with just a few clicks. We provide high-quality solutions to digitize your business’s requirements. Our team’s experience allows us to provide you with an excellent web scraping service. Feb 12, 2021 ScrapingHub is one of the most well-known web scraping companies. They have a lot of product web scraping products, both open-source and commercial. Scrapinghub is the company behind the Scrapy framework and Portia. They offer Scrapy hosting, meaning you can easily deploy your Scrapy spiders to their cloud. Octoparse is a free and powerful web scraper with comprehensive features, available for.

So, it's a process of collecting information automatically from the World Wide Web. Current web scraping solutions range from the ad-hoc, requiring human effort, to even fully automated systems that are able to convert entire web sites into structured information. Using web scraping softwares you can build sitemaps that will navigate the site and extract the data. Using different type of selectors the web scraping tool will navigate the site and extract multiple types of data - text, tables, images, links and more.

Top Web Scraping Companies 2018

Here are 15 ways to use web scraping in your business

Top Web Scraping Companies List

  1. Scrape products & price for comparison site : The site specific web crawling websites or the price comparison websites crawl the stores website prices, product description and images to get the data for analytic, affiliation or comparison. It has also been proved that pricing optimization techniques can improve gross profit margins by almost 10%. Selling products at a competitive rate all the time is a really crucial aspect of e-commerce. Web crawling is also used by travel, e-commerce companies to extract prices from airlines’ websites in real time since a long time. By creating your custom scraping agent you can extract product feeds, images, price and other all associated details regarding the product from multiple sites and create your own activities example writing fake reviews on the portals. It is also called shilling, which tries to mislead readers. Thus the web scrapping can be helpful crawling the reviews and detecting which one to block, to be verified, or streamline the experience.

  2. To provide better targeted ads to your customers : The scrapping not only gives you numbers but also the sentiments and behavioral analytic thus you know the audience types and the choice of ads they would want to see.

  3. Business specific scrapping : Taking doctors for example: you can scrape health physicians or doctors from their clinic websites to provide a catalog of available doctors as per specialization and region or any other specification.

  4. To gather public opinion : Monitor specific company pages from social networks to gather updates for what people are saying about certain companies and their products. Data collection is always useful for the product’s growth.

  5. Search engine results for SEO tracking Presonus others driver. : By scraping organic search results you can quickly find out your SEO competitors for a particular search term. You can determine the title tags and the keywords they are targeting. Thus you get an idea of which keywords are driving traffic to a website, which content categories are attracting links and user engagement, what kind of resources will it take to rank your site.

  6. Price competitiveness : It tracks the stock availability and prices of products in one of the most frequent ways and sends notifications whenever there is a change in competitors' prices or in the market. In ecommerce, Retailers or marketplaces use web scraping not only to monitor their competitor prices but also to improve their product attributes. To stay on top of their direct competitors, nowadays e-commerce sites have started closely monitoring their counterparts. For example, say Amazon would want to know how their products are performing against Flipkart or Walmart, and whether their product coverage is complete. Towards this end, they would want to crawl product catalogs from these two sites to find the gaps in their catalog. They’d also want to stay updated about whether they’re running any promotions on any of the products or categories. This helps in gaining actionable insights that can be implemented in their own pricing decisions. Apart from promotions, sites are also interested in finding out details such as shipping times, number of sellers, availability, similar products (recommendations) etc. for identical products.

  7. Scrape leads : This is another important use for the sales driven organization wherein lead generation is done. Sales teams are always hungry for data and with the help of the web scrapping technique you can scrap leads from directories such as Yelp, Sulekha, Just Dial, Yellow Pages etc. and then contact them to make a sales introduction. To crapes complete information about the business profile, address, email, phone, products/services, working hours, Geo codes, etc. The data can be taken out in the desired format and can be used for lead generation, brand building or other purposes.

  8. For events organization : You can scrape events from thousands of event websites in the US to create an application that consolidates all of the events together.

  9. Jobs scraping : Job sites are also using scrapping to list all the data in one place. They scrape different company websites or jobs sites to create a central job board website and have a list of companies that are currently hiring to contact. There is also a method to use Google with LinkedIn to get lists of people by company which are geo-targeted by this data. The only thing that was difficult was to extract from the professional social networking site is contact details, although now they are readily available through other sources by writing scraping scripts methods to collate this data. For example here is one example of of

  10. Online reputation management : Do you know 50% of consumers read reviews before deciding to book a hotel. Now scrape review, ratings and comments from multiple websites to understand the customer sentiments and analyze with your favorite tool.

  11. To build vertical specific search engines : This is new thing popular in the market but again for this a lot of data is needed hence web scrapping is done for as much public data as possible because this volume of data is practically impossible to gather.


Web scraping can be used to power up the following businesses like Social media monitoring, Travel sites, Lead generation, E-commerce, Events listings, Price comparison, Finance, Reputation monitoring and the list is never ending
Each business has competition in the present world, so companies scrape their competitor information regularly to monitor the movements. In the era of big data, applications of web scraping is endless. Depending on your business, you can find a lot of area where web data can be of great use. Web scraping is thus an art which is use to make data gathering automated and fast.

Web Scraping Online

Are you using Agenty or other in-house web scraping technique to collect web data in your business? Share the details in comment below and I'd love to include in my next blog post.

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