Gimp Resynthesizer Mac

We only think of editing an image when we have to improve it on quality, sharpness, content or any other thing according to our taste. We want every unwanted thing removed and every broken patch in our image healed. GIMP Resynthesizer is a Plugin that offers you all this functionality and a lot more.

This plugin is similar to content-aware fill in Photoshop. Resynthesizer is used to remove unwanted object from images, better texture control, repeating textures, transfer texture from one image to another, image healing, etc. If you are into professional photo editing, this GIMP plugin can give your works a new touch. Resynthesizer Resynthesizer is an exceptional plugin that every serious GIMP user should install. With this plugin, you can remove objects from photos, repeat textures for better tiling or seamless image healing, and transfer textures from one image to another. Have you heard of Content Aware Fill in Photoshop? Resynthesizer是GIMP最古老的插件之一,也是最重要的插件之一。它提供了一系列基于纹理的工具。您将在“增强”菜单下找到关键部分:治疗选择。 这是GIMP相当于Photoshop的内容感知填充工具,这是Photoshop可以做到的GIMP无法做到的事情之一。. But if we want people discover Gimp, and use Gimp, Gimp must have some 'WOW' features. Features that cause a great impact on people. Resynthesizer is a 'WOW' feature who impacts on people and leave in the people's mind the idea that Gimp is a great and valuable software. Hello, I just installed 2.10.0 and the Resynthesizer plugin I used before no longer works. It is one of the plugins I use the most, so I need to get a working version or an alternative.

It is a kind of tool you cannot live a day without. It helps you to remove unwanted objects from photos, repeat or transfer textures. Also, you can add tiles (vertically or horizontally) and heal your image seamlessly according to your preferences.

So, let’s discuss these in a little detail.

How to Install GIMP Resynthesizer Plugin For Windows

Step 1:Download Resynthesizer Plugin. A zip file will be downloaded.

Step 2: Extract the files from the zip.

Step 3: Copy it to C:/users/”USER-NAME”/.gimp-2.8/plugins.

Step 4: Launch/Restart GIMP and changes will be updated.

Step 5: You can now, use Resynthesizer options from Filters>Enhance, Filters>Map and Filters>Render and choose the desired functionality like Heal Selection, Heal Transparency, Uncrop, Style, texture etc.

How to Install GIMP Resynthesizer Plugin For Linux

Step 1:Download Resynthesizer plugin. A zip file will be downloaded.


Step 2: Unhide System files (ctrl+h) and Navigate to /home/sarabjeet/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins and Move the Downloaded file here.

Step 3: Extract “resynthesizer.tar_0.gz” and then Extract “resynthesizer”.

Step 4: Move all files outside from “resnythesizer” folder to /home/sarabjeet/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins

Step 5: Select the pasted files and right-click > properties > permissions


Step 6: Set Permissions as required for particular user/group, to “read and write” and tick the checkbox “make files executable”.

Step 7: Launch/Restart Gimp for changes to take effect.

Step 8: You can now, use Resynthesizer options from Filters>Enhance, Filters>Map and Filters>Render and choose the desired functionality like Heal Selection, Heal Transparency, Uncrop, Style, texture etc.

Now, Let me put some light on its feature list to help you in understanding its working. Resynthesizer includes many features into the Filter Menu > Enhance. These are:

GIMP Heal Selection Tool

Heal Selection is one of the most used and popular features in this group and is indeed very useful. With the help of this tool, you can remove unwanted content, object or thing from your image.

You just need to select the object or thing you want to remove from your image and Heal Selection will replace the selection to look like its surroundings. In its dialogue box, it offers you to select the Context Sampling Width (in pixels), where you can enter the number of pixels from the surrounding of the selected sample you want Heal Selection to pick and give your selection the appropriate texture.

You can also select “Sample from” i.e from where around your selected sample you want to source pixels. It is by default at All around, but you can choose Sides and Above and Below as well according to your preferences. I find this helpful, especially where there is a hard delineation in an image. Other than this you can also select the Filling Order of your selection. By default the order is set at random but, you can select Inwards towards the Center, Outwards from the Center.

GIMP Heal Transparency Tool

The Heal Transparency is an easy to use and very handy healing tool when it comes to broken patches in the images. It is a versatile tool and very useful especially when you need to fill in the missing areas. It heals every transparent pixel in your image.

Heal Transparency option by default is Grayed Out thus to use this option you need to right click on the layer and select add Alpha Channel. Once added you could use this option to heal broken patches in your image. In its dialogue box, it offers you options to adjust Context Sampling Width (in pixels) and Filling Order of your selection.

GIMP Enlarge and Sharpen Tool

Enlarge and Sharpen as the name suggests is a functionality to Enlarge and Sharpen your image. GIMP Sharpen function gathers information from the surrounding pixels and increases contrast where some contrast already exists.

This function enlarges your image and sharpens it by proportion to make the image look a bit more pixelated. In its dialogue box, it offers you a functionality to adjust the amount from [1-32] to which you want to Enlarge or Sharpen your image on the Scale.

GIMP Uncrop Tool

Uncrop is not exactly inverse to crop by rather a bit different. It makes the canvas larger and heals the transparent border. It is very useful when you want to expand the boundaries of your image.

It works best for small enlargement of natural edges. Uncrop enlarges the image by matching the border of the image to the edge maintaining the appropriate perspective. In its dialogue box, you can adjust the Percentage of Enlargement of your image.

GIMP Sharpen by Synthesis Tool

This feature is used to sharpen images by synthesizing them. It could be considered as a more realistic variant of sharpening providing the image some clear details.

In its dialogue box, you can adjust the amount you want to sharpen your image by Synthesis.

Now, apart from these features in Filter > Enhance, GIMP Resynthesizer plugin offers some other features as well. In Filter > Map it adds two very handy features Resynthesizer and Style and in Filter > Render it offers Texture.

Let’s go through them as well.

GIMP Resynthesize Tool

Resynthesize is a very powerful and versatile tool. It helps you to Add Texture, Export Texture and also makes your image tileable. You can also put output to the bordering pixels. Resynthesize functions by copying pixels, one by one, from input to the output.

In its dialogue box, you can select the Texture Source, use Texture Transfer, also you can select whether to make your image horizontally tileable or vertically tileable. Apart from this you can tweak the neighborhood pixels of your image by selecting on the scale the amount for Neighbourhood Size, Search Thoroughness, Sensitivity to Outliers.

GIMP Style Tool

This is a very basic but handy feature. It helps you to transfer style (color, surface ) from one image to another. You can transfer your Styles from a chosen layer to the active layer.

It offers you flexibility to select the source of Syle and Percentage Transfer. You can also select if you want to map your image by color and brightness or brightness only.

GIMP Texture Tool

Texture, as the name suggests, helps you to add texture to the image. It helps you to create a new image with texture from the selected image i.e it adds seamless pattern to your image in accordance with the selected image.

In its dialogue box, it offers you to select Ratio of Size of a new image to source selection and also you can choose whether or not to make new image edges suitable for seamless tiling.

GIMP Resynthesizer plugin adds all this functionality and helps you make your image editing more fruitful. It is a very useful and versatile plugin that helps you turn your images into the ones you imagined them to be.

I tried covering all the aspects and features of this plugin but if you still find any missing link, query or suggestion, hit us in our comments section below.

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Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? lloyd konneker 19 May 16:03
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? LightningIsMyName 19 May 16:34
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? Alexandre Prokoudine 19 May 16:54
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? LightningIsMyName 19 May 17:33
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? Filipe Soares Dilly 19 May 19:43
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? Rob Antonishen 19 May 20:30
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? Simone Karin Lehmann 19 May 21:08
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? Sven Neumann 19 May 23:49
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? lloyd konneker 19 May 23:58
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? Martin Nordholts 20 May 18:50
Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution? jEsuSdA 8) 21 May 20:27
2010-05-19 16:03:23 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

This is a request to put the Resynthesizer plugin in the Gimp project.

The author, Paul Harrison, has given me permission to maintainResynthesizer.

I am an unaffiliated computer scientist and have developed in C, Python,and Scheme under Unix, Linux, and MS Windows.

I have studied the Resynthesizer code and created a short list of bugfixes, performance enhancements, and refactorings (breaking one largesource file into many, and splitting the resynthesizer into an engineand a GUI.)

If that's agreeable, I will learn Gimp development processes and createthe proper make files etc before uploading a new version to the Gimpproject. Also, internationalize where necessary. (But not recode toGimp style?)

The Resynthesizer package includes: the engine written in C++, with its own GUI of settings several plugins written in Scheme that call the engine: Smart enlarge
Smart remove selection (now called 'Heal selection')

I would like to include plugins that call the resynthesizer, by otherauthors:
Uncrop - synthesizes a larger image, same perspective, wider view. Written by me.
Fill resynthesized pattern - fills with a pattern, but a random texture instead of a regular tiling. Written by Rob A

Currently the resynthesizer package is distributed by Debian and otherorganizations. I have corresponded with the Debian builder ofresynthesizer, but he is not the maintainer and relies on the author'sdownstream source.

Gimp Resynthesizer Mac

I believe it is one of the most useful and popular plugin packages.Putting it in Gimp and getting the bugs fixed would help many users.

I would be glad to provide more details.

Lloyd Konneker

2010-05-19 16:34:48 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

Hello lloyd,

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, lloyd konneker wrote:

The Resynthesizer package includes: the engine written in C++, with its own GUI of settings several plugins written in Scheme that call the engine: Smart enlarge
Smart remove selection (now called 'Heal selection')

I don'nt believe the developers will accept it since it's written inC++. I would be happy to see this plugin as a part of GIMP, butbelieve that it will have to be re-written in C (if you need objects,use GObject instead which is the the object library for C that gimpuses) in order for it to be included.

There is nothing against including new plugins. Hoever, the fact thatit's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in the gnu coding style -although this is minor) will make it hard to maintain for people whodon't know C++.
I just gave a look at the source - it's not too big (only 980 linesand less than half of them are the algorithm) and the usage of C++ isvery minor. It shouldn't be too hard to port the plugin to C (alleast, this is the impression I got).

I would really like to see resynthesizer included with GIMP - I dohope it will be accepted, even if it will require a bit of rewritingsome small parts of the code.


2010-05-19 16:54:06 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:

Hoever, the fact that it's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in the gnucoding style - although this is minor) will make it hard to maintainfor people who don't know C++.

Hasn't Lloyd offered his services to _maintain_?


2010-05-19 17:33:21 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:

Hoever, the fact that it's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in the gnucoding style - although this is minor) will make it hard to maintainfor people who don't know C++.

Hasn't Lloyd offered his services to _maintain_?

He did, but he also expressed some hope that it won't need to be re-coded:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, lloyd konneker wrote:

But not recode to Gimp style?

I should have made my point more clear - sorry about that..


2010-05-19 19:43:26 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

Thats a great idea.

I regularly use this plug-in and also teach others how to use it. Its VERYuseful when creating textures for 3d graphics. Today is only easy to installon Linux: on windows and MAC is a pain to get it working.

Please take this into consideration before refusing.


2010/5/19 LightningIsMyName


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:

Hoever, the fact that it's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in the gnucoding style - although this is minor) will make it hard to maintainfor people who don't know C++.

Hasn't Lloyd offered his services to _maintain_?

He did, but he also expressed some hope that it won't need to be re-coded:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, lloyd konneker wrote:

But not recode to Gimp style?

I should have made my point more clear - sorry about that..

~LightningIsMyName_______________________________________________Gimp-developer mailing list

2010-05-19 20:30:22 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

Regardless of in or out, the binary and scripts need to work together.On Windows there are two binaries floating around that have adifferent number of parameters that may break scripts asuming theother binary.

Polar electro usb devices driver download. -Rob A>

On 5/19/10, Filipe Soares Dilly wrote:

Thats a great idea.

I regularly use this plug-in and also teach others how to use it. Its VERYuseful when creating textures for 3d graphics. Today is only easy to installon Linux: on windows and MAC is a pain to get it working.

Please take this into consideration before refusing.


2010/5/19 LightningIsMyName


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote: Download sindoh driver.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM, LightningIsMyName wrote:

Hoever, the fact that it's in C++ (and the fact that it's not in thegnu
coding style - although this is minor) will make it hard to maintainfor people who don't know C++.

Hasn't Lloyd offered his services to _maintain_?

He did, but he also expressed some hope that it won't need to be re-coded:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, lloyd konneker wrote:

But not recode to Gimp style?

I should have made my point more clear - sorry about that..

~LightningIsMyName_______________________________________________Gimp-developer mailing list

Filipe Soares Dilly

2010-05-19 21:08:16 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

I regularly use this plug-in and also teach others how to use it. Its VERY useful when creating textures for 3d graphics. Today is only easy to install on Linux: on windows and MAC is a pain to get it working.

The Mac OS X distribution is already shipping this plug-in by default.


2010-05-19 23:49:28 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 10:03 -0400, lloyd konneker wrote:

This is a request to put the Resynthesizer plugin in the Gimp project.

The author, Paul Harrison, has given me permission to maintainResynthesizer.

Well, if you maintain the plug-in, that is very good. We really don'thave enough resources to maintain more plug-ins in the GIMP tree. Wewould love to see even more plug-ins maintained outside the GIMP sourcetree.

What would be the benefit for you and the core GIMP developers (and theusers of course), if the plug-in was maintained in the GIMP source tree?


2010-05-19 23:58:59 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

No benefit for me, doesn't matter to me which organization hosts it.But it makes it easier for the other distributing organizations if it isin Gimp: one less package.

I suppose I could also maintain other plugins once I learned the ropes.I would prefer Python. I've done much exploring of the PyGimp code.

Hate to say it but one benefit for the users is that if theResynthesizer comes with the Gimp, then it comes with the MS Windowsbuild of Gimp, which seems to be a frequent source of problems forResynthesizer users.

The main benefit argument is that the plugin is very useful and ought tobe one of the core plugins.

On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 23:49 +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:

Gimp Resynthesizer Plugin Mac

On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 10:03 -0400, lloyd konneker wrote:

This is a request to put the Resynthesizer plugin in the Gimp project. Ozmo devices driver download for windows.

Download Gimp For Windows 10


The author, Paul Harrison, has given me permission to maintainResynthesizer.

Well, if you maintain the plug-in, that is very good. We really don'thave enough resources to maintain more plug-ins in the GIMP tree. Wewould love to see even more plug-ins maintained outside the GIMP sourcetree.

What would be the benefit for you and the core GIMP developers (and theusers of course), if the plug-in was maintained in the GIMP source tree?


2010-05-20 18:50:43 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

On 05/19/2010 04:03 PM, lloyd konneker wrote:

This is a request to put the Resynthesizer plugin in the Gimp project.

The author, Paul Harrison, has given me permission to maintainResynthesizer.

Gimp 2.10 Resynthesizer Mac


I am an unaffiliated computer scientist and have developed in C, Python,and Scheme under Unix, Linux, and MS Windows.

I have studied the Resynthesizer code and created a short list of bugfixes, performance enhancements, and refactorings (breaking one largesource file into many, and splitting the resynthesizer into an engineand a GUI.)

If that's agreeable, I will learn Gimp development processes and createthe proper make files etc before uploading a new version to the Gimpproject. Also, internationalize where necessary. (But not recode toGimp style?)

Gimp 2.8 Review

The Resynthesizer package includes: the engine written in C++, with its own GUI of settings several plugins written in Scheme that call the engine: Smart enlarge
Smart remove selection (now called 'Heal selection')

I would like to include plugins that call the resynthesizer, by otherauthors:
Uncrop - synthesizes a larger image, same perspective, wider view. Written by me.
Fill resynthesized pattern - fills with a pattern, but a random texture instead of a regular tiling. Written by Rob A

Currently the resynthesizer package is distributed by Debian and otherorganizations. I have corresponded with the Debian builder ofresynthesizer, but he is not the maintainer and relies on the author'sdownstream source.

I believe it is one of the most useful and popular plugin packages.Putting it in Gimp and getting the bugs fixed would help many users.

I would be glad to provide more details.

Hi Lloyd,

Personally I'm not principally against including Resynthesizer, but for it to happen it is important that the initial set of patches looks good. So I suggest you start with getting together patches that adds Resynthesizer to GIMP which can then be evaluated.

I certainly see it as a favour for users to include a popular plug-in in the default install.

/ Martin

2010-05-21 20:27:21 UTC (almost 11 years ago)permalink

Include resynthesizer plugin in Gimp distribution?

El Miércoles, 19 de Mayo de 2010 16:03:23 lloyd konneker escribió:

This is a request to put the Resynthesizer plugin in the Gimp project.

I vote for that!

I'm a Gimp teacher. I have teach very people and Resynthesizer makes all the people goes crazy!

You could explain people lot of nice tools Gimp includes.. people says: ok, this is very nice, but when I use Photoshop..
But when you show people Resynthesizer plugin working, people says: Wow!!! I Want it! How I can install Gimp on my computer now?

Then, when you explain people, that Resynthesizer must be downloaded, copied, configured.. installed as a plugin.. bla, bla, bla.. people says: Ah! well! if someday I need the Gimp, I will ask you for installing it.. then, they gone..

I know Gimp is great, and complex, there are no much resources and to add more complexity is a no good idea, but Gimp is a great application, and lot of people will love it if they discover it, if they can learn it.

But if we want people discover Gimp, and use Gimp, Gimp must have some 'WOW' features. Features that cause a great impact on people.. Resynthesizer is a 'WOW' feature who impacts on people and leave in the people's mind the idea that Gimp is a great and valuable software.

When more people will discover Gimp, more people will install it, and more people like me will appear to teach this people how to use Gimp.. and I think more resources will come to Gimp..

I know it is a difficult decission to include this and others features, but I think you must consider the 'impact' of some features can cause on users. I think more users is good for every software, and all actions that gain more users for the Gimp is a good action. For this reason I publish my Gimp Howtos and tutorials, I teach people to use Gimp (workshops and courses) and I vote for include some relevant features like Resynthesizer on Gimp.

I hope you consider these things before make a decission. ;)

Great work and thanks for bring us this excelent software. ;)

Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)

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