

  1. Chuck Miniaudicle

In this aim, ChucK shell presents users with a native shell-like interface for interaction with the ChucK virtual machine. MiniAudicle is a graphical user interface for developing, running, and modifying ChucK programs, providing a framework for extending the expressive capabilities of ChucK in possibly unforeseen ways, and making ChucK more. The terminal is located in the Utilities/ folder in the Applications/ folder of your hard drive. Open terminal (create a shortcut to it in the dock if you want, since we will be using it a lot with the command-line chuck). In the terminal go to the bin/ directory (replace chuck-x.x.x.x-exe with the actual directory name). ChucK code is the same, but the way to run them di ers, depending the ChucK system. The rst thing we are going to do is do generate a sine wave and send it to the speaker so we can hear it. We can do this easily in ChucK by connecting audio processing modules (unit generators) and having them work together to compute the sound. Unfortunately the miniAudicle IDE it is not dynamically updated with errors. When you spork a shred it will let you know of any errors at the bottom of the editor. Alternatively there is a ChucK library available for Visual Studio Code if you are more comfortable with that environment!

Request or report features here:

Good to Have

  • (feature name, desc) - (platforms) - (submitted by)
  • Show/hide toggle for VM and Console windows. (Windows)
  • It should be possible to call miniAudicle with the same command line options as with chuck - linux/all platforms - User:Atte
  • ability to link to chuck as a shared library
  • Configurable hotkeys and auto-replace patterns. (Windows/all)
  • Ability to execute currently selected code with the Enter key, a la SuperCollider (spencer)
  • CPU percentage (spencer)
  • class browser (spencer)
  • more advanced shred management interface (ability to +/=/- arbitrary shreds) (spencer)
  • some way of easily and quickly adding multiple shreds simultaneously (spencer)
  • Audicle-like features in miniAudicle editor (spencer)
  • GUI elements for Windows/Linux
  • visible save state
  • mechanism to override preference items from command line
  • integration with select/middle-click copy+paste on Linux
    • also standard emacs ctrl-a, ctrl-k, ctrl-y, etc. commands
  • configurable keystrokes
  • comment/bracked/debug print menu/key commands
  • keyboard shortcuts to switch between windows/tabs
  • fix bug where miniAudicle access a different file if CWD and the miniAudicle current directory are different
  • .deb package file
  • fix all auto-indentation issues, especially in windows/linux
  • make console monitor forward keyboard hits to KBHit
  • inline documentation
  • code completion
  • after file open, move focus to text editing area
  • on file open/save/save as dialog, move focus to text field of dialog

exiled for now...

  • Sample search path follows the shred, like as in Audicle. (Windows/all)
    • This isn't really possible without specific support in ChucK; miniAudicle has no control over shreds (besides OTF commands) once they are in the VM

Chuck Miniaudicle

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